Meetings of the Development Applications Board are typically held fortnightly. Prior to each meeting, an agenda is prepared and published here and the report of the technical officer, together with all drawings and other relevant details associated with the application and any representations and consultation responses which may have been received, are made available to the Board for their review at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
During the meeting, the technical officer will present the details of the application to the Board together with their recommendation. The Board may then discuss the proposal and ask for clarification on any point from technical officers prior to making a determination as to whether to approve or refuse the application. The Board may also resolve to defer the application for consideration at a subsequent meeting for any reason, such as if additional information is required or if the Board wishes the technical officer to request that the applicant consider a revised proposal.
Once a determination has been made by the Board, the decision letter will be issued, all drawings will be stamped and the Department will notify the applicant and any objectors of the Board’s decision. Once confirmed by the Chair, the minutes of the meeting are posted here and attached to the electronic file of each application which was discussed at that meeting.
Decisions of the Development Applications Board may be appealed to the Minister responsible for Planning within 21 days.