Prior to submitting a planning application, a completed Foreshore Lease Application Form together with a copy of the drawings to be submitted with the planning application must be submitted to the Estates section at A planning application cannot be submitted until the Estates section has confirmed, in writing, that it is aware of the proposal. A response will typically be issued within 5 business days.
If a foreshore lease is currently in place, a copy of this together with written confirmation from the Estates section that it is aware of the current proposal should be included with the planning application.
It is also strongly recommended that pre-consultations be sent to the Marine Conservation section of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, who will provide feedback on potential impacts on the marine environment, including whether any protected species may be affected, and the Marine and Ports section of the Ministry of Public Works, who will advise on impacts to marine traffic.
Foreshore development should be designed in accordance with the relevant policies of the Bermuda Plan 2018, in particular those set out in Chapter 11.