When logged into your CSS account a ‘My Work’ tab appears on the toolbar.
This area is designed to display all of the Invoices, Permits, Plans and Inspections that you are linked to.
There is also a ‘Request Inspections’ section, which will list all of the available inspections that you can request, for any of the applications you are linked to.
However, the display filter by default only shows applications that have been ‘Updated’ in the ‘Last 120 days’.
If there has been no recent activity or updates to a particular application for longer that 120 days, it will not appear on that list.
The filter also applies to the Search field within the ‘My Work’ page (not the main Search of the CSS). So it’s possible to put an application number in that Search and not get any results because there hasn’t been any recent activity, not because you don’t have access.
You can adjust the display filter by changing any of the three available dropdown lists.
Otherwise, sometimes it is just easier to use the main ‘Search’ feature of the CSS to find the application you are looking for.
As long as you remain signed in, you will have access to the additional information for that application, that the general public may not have access to.
Still not seeing the additional information or attachments? Contact the Front Desk team at planningfrontdesk@gov.bm.