There are three types of surveys which are submitted with planning applications; a boundary survey, a topographical survey and a marine survey.
A boundary survey is required on sites which are broadly flat or where there is no significant variance in topography in the location affected by the application and no re-grading is proposed.
A topographical survey is required for topographically challenging sites or where re-grading is proposed. These surveys must include all details set out above in addition to the surveyed contours of the site based on field work at appropriate horizontal intervals (typically three feet).
A marine survey is required for applications proposing docks or floating docks where the applicant is required to demonstrate that the dock is required to gain access to a specified depth of water at low tide. A marine survey may also be required for an application proposing a foreshore revetment in order to establish an appropriate extent and design of such a scheme. In all cases, depth measurements must be taken at mean low tide and such surveys must include the precise location of the high water mark and identify any protected species, including corals, within proximity.