Notice of Intention to Develop Land
December 10, 2018

To better serve the public the Department of Planning wishes to improve its advertising of planning applications by requiring Agents (and in the absence of an Agent the Applicant) to display a notice of the proposed development on site. There are a number of benefits that this initiative will bring:- It addresses an objective to … Continue reading “Notice of Intention to Develop Land”

Cayman Islands is ninth signatory to the Hamilton Declaration
November 29, 2018

The Cayman Islands is the newest signatory of the Hamilton Declaration on Collaboration for the Conservation of the Sargasso Sea.  The Hon. D. Kurt Tibbetts, OBE, JP, Minister for Planning, Lands, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure signed the Hamilton Declaration on behalf of the Government of the Cayman Islands on 3 January. The Hon. N. Cole Simons, JP, … Continue reading “Cayman Islands is ninth signatory to the Hamilton Declaration”

Solar photovoltaic rebate initiative (SPRI)
November 29, 2018

Solar photovoltaic panels convert light energy from the sun into electrical energy which you can use in your home. A device called an inverter conditions the electricity from the solar panels so  it  is  compatible with  your appliances  and can be exported back into the electrical grid when  the  panels  produce more electricity than you  … Continue reading “Solar photovoltaic rebate initiative (SPRI)”

Bermuda represented at World Heritage conference
November 29, 2018

Representatives for ‘The Historic Town of St. George and Related Fortifications’ were in London this past week for ‘Setting the Scene for World Heritage’, the 2018 World Heritage UK Conference. World Heritage Site Management Committee member Councilor Elizabeth Christopher and Acting Heritage Officer in the Government Department of Planning Dr. Charlotte Andrews attended two days of … Continue reading “Bermuda represented at World Heritage conference”

Department of Planning Celebrates its Summer Interns
November 9, 2018

“Where are Bermuda’s vacant lots located and is there a potential for future building?”, “What is the status of Bermuda’s protected trees?”, “What is the correlation between abandoned buildings and crime on the island?” – These are just a few examples of the many questions four of Bermuda’s young people have been answering this summer during … Continue reading “Department of Planning Celebrates its Summer Interns”

Letters of objection and/or representation should be emailed to referencing the PLAN or SUB number in the subject line.

Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building, 5th Floor, 58 Court Street Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

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