Bermuda Plan 2018 Notice

June 14, 2021


Notice Type: Government Notice

Notice Sub Type: Public Notification

Notice ID:  GN0474/2021

Public Authorities / Department: PLANNING

Publication date: 09 June 2021




(Act No. 51 of 1974)


WHEREAS The Minister of Home Affairs (“the Minister”) has caused a draft development plan entitled “The Draft Bermuda Plan 2018” to be prepared consisting of the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 Planning Statement and Zoning Maps;

AND WHEREAS the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 was declared operative on the 3rd day of December 2018;

AND WHEREAS objections and representations in respect of the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 have been invited by the Minister and determined by the Objections Tribunal duly appointed for that purpose;

AND WHEREAS the Minister upon due consideration by him of the report of the Tribunal he deems it expedient to exercise in relation to the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 the powers conferred upon him by section 11 (9) of the Development and Planning Act 1974;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred upon the Minister by the said section 11 (9) of the Development and Planning Act 1974 and all other powers him hereunto enabling, the following NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that:-

  1. This Notice may be cited as the Bermuda Plan 2018 Notice 2021
Bermuda Plan 2018 approval
  1. The Bermuda Plan 2018 is HEREBY DECLARED to have been approved by resolution of the House of Assembly on the 4th day of June 2021 and the Senate on the 9th day of June 2021 pursuant to the provisions of section 11 (8) of the Development and Planning Act 1974 and shall become operative on the 9th day of June 2021.
Inspection of Plan
  1. The Bermuda Plan 2018 Planning Statement and Zoning Maps can be inspected on the Department of Planning website

Given under my hand this 9th day of June 2021.

The Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP

Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs

Click here to view The Bermuda Plan 2018

Staff Spotlight – Meet Mandy Shailer

September 18, 2020


A Bermuda High School alumni, Mandy Shailer graduated from Syracuse University with a BA in Geography, before returning to Bermuda to work as a Survey Technician for the Ministry of Works and Engineering. Having been introduced to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) during her studies, she was given the opportunity to work with and learn more about the government’s existing GIS. After a year of work experience with GIS, Mandy decided to seek further education and successfully earned her Masters degree in GIS from the University of Edinburgh.

Returning to Bermuda, Mandy was thrilled to be given the opportunity to apply her GIS skills to the management and protection of Bermuda’s natural environment, first as a Consultant and then as the GIS Mapping Analyst for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

After about 12 years, Mandy recognized an opportunity for personal and professional growth when the Department of Planning advertised for a new Information Systems Officer. Honoured to be offered the position, Mandy started in November 2019.

Shortly after joining, Mandy successfully earned a professional designation as a Certified GIS Professional (GISP) from the GIS Certification Institute.

Mandy has joined the department at a pivotal time, as we work through a phased implementation of our paperless information management system, EnerGov. EnerGov uses GIS technology for centralized planning and permitting management, including mobile applications for on-site inspections and plan review. Mandy is excited to guide the department to the next crucial phase of the implementation, where all Planning applications will be submitted, processed and reviewed online.


A few words from Mandy:

“Information is arguably a country’s most important asset and the systems that manage it are essential infrastructure. I enjoy working with geographic information systems because I’ve always loved maps and the variety of information they can deliver. Keeping these systems accurate and up-to-date is essential for effective decision making. I am grateful to the Dept of Planning for this opportunity to expand my skillset and I’m excited to work with the department as we move into the next phase of implementation of our paperless application management system. It’s going to be a game changer for Planning.”

Planning Guidelines for Hurricanes Repairs

September 15, 2020

The Department of Planning knows you want to repair any damage to your property caused by the recent passing of storms as soon as possible. The Department of Planning technical officers are available to assist.
Repairs to Buildings

Like for like repairs of windows, doors and roof slate will not require planning permission or a building permit if the damage is limited to non-structural issues. Owners can proceed immediately with these types of repairs as soon as it is feasibly possible.

Repairs to buildings that received structural damage as a result of a hurricane may only commence following the receipt of a building permit from the Department of Planning. These applications will be given priority and will be processed expeditiously. The Department can allow for dangerous structural repairs to commence without a permit as long as we are made aware and structural details are submitted as an application as expeditiously as possible following commencement of work.

Class IV of the Development and Planning (General Development) Order 1999 says that a General Development Permit / Permitted Development Permit can be used for damages caused by storms and fire provided that no more than 60% of the building/structure has been destroyed and that the replacement is not greater than the existing building/structure.

Please review the General Development Order / Permitted Development Permit Guidance Note for more information: Download Now

For building permit information, please contact Aidan Stones on 295-5151 ext. 1309 or For development application information, please contact Paul McDonald on 297-7793 or

Repairs to Listed Buildings
Repairs to Listed Buildings or buildings located within Historic Protection Areas that received structural damage as a result of the hurricane may only commence following receipt of a building permit from the Department. All such permit applications will be expedited by theDepartment.

Repairs to a Listed Building damaged as a result of a severe weather event using “like-for- like” details and materials will not require planning permission or a building permit if the damage is limited to non- structural issues. Owners can proceed immediately with repairing items such as windows, doors and roof slate with identical materials to replicate the style and detailing of the original structure.

For further information or advice, please contact Larry Williams on 297-7724 or

Please review Guidance Note 203 for more information: Download Now

Repairs for Damaged Sea Walls and Docks
Seawalls and docks to be replaced will ordinarily require a building permit only. This is to ensure that the replacement structures meet the Bermuda Building Code 1998 and are structurally sound. Since seawalls and docks can have a negative impact on the natural foreshore both physically and visually, planning permission may be required in some instance. Prior to considering any repair works the Department of Planning should be consulted.

Assistance, information and clarification of the requirements should be directed to the Department of Planning at 297-7756. For the most up to date information, visit the Department’s website:

Building Control Contact List

Aidan Stones Acting Building Control Officer X1309
Donna Francis Permits Processor X1755
Omar Douglas Acting Asst. Building Control Officer X1364
Steven Every Electrical Inspector X1580
Melvin Holdipp Building Inspector X1186
Damon Walker Building Inspector X1687
Kenny Young Building Inspector X1206

Staff Spotlight – Meet Donna Francis

August 28, 2020
It’s that time again for our Staff Spotlight!
Donna Francis, a key member of our support staff, has these words to say:
‘I have worked for the Department for 10 years. I initially started as a File Clerk and since have gained experience working at the Front Desk, inputting data and assisting members of the public. This role has placed me in a prime position to be of service to the public. Most recently, I have been promoted to Acting Permits Processor where I am responsible for ensuring the administrative tasks such as issuing building permit documentation and recording inspection requests are carried out in an efficient manner. I always strive to help my Department in any way I can!’

Inspiring The Next Generation

August 28, 2020

Justin Bascome Dickinson, student studying architecture at the University of Preston, shadows Omar Douglas, Plans Examiner, for the day.