Publicity of Planning Applications

Section 13 of the Development and Planning (Application Procedure) Rules 1997 allows the Development Applications Board (the “Board”), with the approval of the Minister, to establish guidelines as to which applications for planning permission will require public notification.

Under these provisions, the Board has determined that planning applications for development (DAP1 applications) and planning applications for the subdivision of land (DAP2 applications) will be required to be publicised by notice published in the Official Gazette and by display of a site notice. This applies to all such applications unless the Board specifically agrees to waive these advertisement requirements for an individual case or circumstance. These advertisement provisions do not apply to applications for revisions or renewals of planning permission or permitted development permits, which do not require any public notification.

Site Notices

Once an application passes vetting, applicants are required to display a Notice of Intention to Develop Land in an appropriate location on or adjacent to the application site (multiple notices may be required to be displayed in certain circumstances, as noted below). A template notice can be obtained by clicking on the image to the right.

All site notices must be completed, in full, and all details included on the site notice must correspond with the details of the planning application; the text to be inserted in the ‘Description of Proposed Development’ field will be provided by the Department. Applicants must submit photographs of the displayed notice(s) to within five (5) business days of the request from the Department to display the notice, including the application reference number and site address in the title of the email. At least one close-distance photograph must be included so the text on the notice is easily legible and at least one photograph from a far distance (i.e. at least a typical road width away) must be provided so the location of the displayed notice within the context of the local area can be clearly identified.

If adequate evidence is not provided within this timeframe and/or the site notice is deficient and/or has not been displayed in an appropriately publicly visible location, the application may be rejected and a separate application would need to be submitted together with an additional fee.

Site notices must also meet the following criteria:

Applicants are requested to remove and dispose of site notices once the appeal period has expired.

Online Advertisements

Once the Department is satisfied with the display of the site notice(s), appropriate photographs of the notices have been provided and the requisite fee has been received, applications are published in the online Official Gazette within five (5) business days. Such advertisements may be published on any business day.

Lists of applications published in the Official Gazette are also published on the Department of Planning’s website, and Facebook page.

Letters of objection and/or representation should be emailed to referencing the PLAN or SUB number in the subject line.

Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building, 5th Floor, 58 Court Street Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

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