Search by Draft Bermuda Plan 2018

Draft Bermuda Plan 2018

Since 3rd December 2018, the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 has been the new operational development plan for the entire Island, with the exception of the City of Hamilton.

The Department of Planning invited the public to review and submit objections and comments on the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018.  This public consultation period finished on 15th March 2019.  Any objections and representations received after 15th March 2019 are not accepted.


The Department received 297 objections and representations to the Draft Plan, 193 (65%) of which related to zoning or mapping issues, 92 (31%) of which related to policy issues and 12 (4%) of which related to other Planning Department issues.

The objections are available for viewing on the Citizen Self Service portal link

Counter Objections

Members of the public can submit counter objections to any objection.  Counter objections should be submitted online via the Citizen Self Service portal link

Counter objections will be accepted for one month following closure of the public consultation period until 15th April 2019.

To view the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 (including associated documents) and a full list of objections received, please click on the following links:

To make a counter objection

  • For a step-by-step video guide of how to make a counter-objection on the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018, click here.
  • For a step-by-step written guide of how to make a counter-objection on the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 and a checklist of what information to include in your submission, click here.
  • To submit your counter-objection on the content of the draft plan or associated policies, click here to use the Department of Planning Citizen Self Service (CSS) Portal.


All objections and counter objections will be reviewed by the Department of Planning.

Where an agreement can be reached between the Department of Planning and the objector, the objection can be resolved.  Unresolved objections will be referred to a Tribunal appointed by the Minister.  The Tribunal will hold a public inquiry into each unresolved objection.

Public inquiries will be open to the public and will be advertised in the official gazette and on the Department of Planning website.

To view the Tribunal Rules, please click here.

To view the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 Tribunal Procedures, please click here.

Further information and assistance

For further information on the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018, please contact or visit the Department of Planning during normal office hours using the following details:

Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building
58 Court Street
Bermuda Government HM 12
Telephone: 294-9033


Letters of objection and/or representation should be emailed to referencing the PLAN or SUB number in the subject line.

Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building, 5th Floor, 58 Court Street Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

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